
Peighton Davis

Before I got to SRMUN, I wasn’t nervous but anxious to see what we were going to do and how things were going to go. In class we spent a lot of time on our papers and editing them but I didn’t think that we would focus on them that much during the paper. The research was very helpful though and it was good going into the conference with an amazing amount of knowledge on my topic. Honestly, I didn’t focus on my partner’s topic so when it was time for her topic resolutions to caucused I wasn’t really sure what they were talking about. It annoyed me at first but then I talked to other delegates and they felt the same way. It wasn’t really a bad thing because I was able to discuss and kind of lead when we were on topic 2 ( my topic) and my partner was able to lead and discuss her topic when we got to it.
SRMUN was interesting because some of the Dias Chairs were amazing but some of them were annoying because they were kind of rude and awkward. In the opening ceremony, the presentation seemed out of order and it was hard to pay attention to them because they didn’t seem to understand that needed speak up and into the mic. It was good to be in the room with a majority of the students because we were able to find our groups and start talking and working. I honestly wish that we had one extra day because it felt like the last resolution session was rushed.
SRMUN is definitely an amazing experience and I hope to attend next year. I feel as though experience is one of the keys to success for SRMUN because students who have attended before were able to lead and help the first-timers and that is what I want to be able to do. I am really happy that I was able to work with this group at Columbia College and I hope that I can participate next year.

Career in Diplomacy

Layal Issa

SRMUN concluded last night and it was such a bitter sweet moment to leave. The conference over all exceeded my expectations and I have learned so much from the three days at session. Diplomacy can be a very challenging thing sometimes when each country has its own agenda and wants to pass resolutions that reflect its needs but not other countries’ needs. Negotiation and compromise were the keys to a successful cooperation between Member States and I was more than happy when two of the resolutions I was a sponsor of got passed.
This conference has strengthened my desire to want a career in diplomacy and other related fields. There were so many highlights that I cannot think of one favorite thing about it. The caucusing was really fruitful but also challenging sometimes when you do not find sponsors or signatories for a working paper that you may think of. But eventually you will find a country that has similar interests and agrees to cooperate. The first session was kind of intimidating, but as time passed, I understood the procedure and started working diligently with other countries. It is all about your character, confidence, communication skills, and how persuasive you are.
I made really good friends from several different schools and met a lot of other international students. I loved seeing people our age engaged and serious about MUN because it gives me hope that this generation does care about the world and will fight for people’s rights when it can. Even with all that being said, I cannot explain enough my true feelings about the conference with words. Enriching and positive experience that I will never forget.

What is Diplomacy?

Adeyemi Temiloluwah

SRMUN is now gone for good to be seen next year.. All the waking up early, learning several procedures, the not so good Chairs, the wonderful, funny and unique member states delegates, the unbearable yet bearable noise in my committee’s room; I miss all of it. During this short and meaningful days, I got to know people I had things in common which I never realized before that trip. I got some very important lessons from the Conference;
1. Diplomacy is not just placing your opinions out, it is being able to listen to other peoples opinions and understand the reason for such decisions.

2. It is also knowing how to agree, refuse opinions in a diplomatic and responsible way.

3. It is refusing to sign a resolution not because you hate what it states but you realize that it will not be of much benefit to the citizens of the nation you represent.

4. It is making friends with delegates of enemy nations. It is representing a nation while putting your own personal opinions at rest… I felt like this Conference made me a more decisive person.

At some point, I got really tired of caucusing because I had to work around and negotiate with other member states. As an Egypt delegate, I felt that most member states did not give us attention compared to other member states. I saw power play its role in every part of the conference. I also believe that is what happens in the United Nations. Nevertheless, It was a memorable and learning experience.

I want to really appreciate Dr. Jones, Dr. Sharkey, my colleagues and Columbia College for making this conference available. And a BIG THANK YOU to my one and only partner.. Alexandria. You were wonderful, helpful and encouraging..I hope to be your partner next year…

Learning to Listen

Nepal Abu Abdo
Although the SRMUN conference finished last night, this conference will make me remember all the great skills and the amazing delegates that I was able to meet during the conference. Prior to going to the conference I did not know what to expect, I was very nervous about conducting myself as a delegate especially when it came to procedures. I was also nervous about how to interact with other delegates if it came to a topic that was not necessarily aligned with our countries interests. Although I had those fears prior to going to the conference, I felt better once I got the chance to interact with other delegates in the prep sessions as we moved towards our first committee session. When I got done with the first committee session, I was nervous to interact with other countries but the next day I was able to really learn the role of a delegate. Throughout the conference I learned that it takes much more than what we might think it does to negotiate as a diplomat between other countries.
There were certainly struggles throughout the conference dealing with report writing because of the different perspectives each country had.The conference has not only taught me what it means to be a diplomat but that there are some important skills and ideas to keep in mind when it comes to being a delegate. One of the main obstacles that I needed to overcome as a delegate is to figure how to be a diplomat when you do not agree on topics discussed with other countries. Another obstacle is how to balance the collaboration between other countries so that we may pass a report to benefit Member States.
As a delegate you learn how to listen, collaborate, and learn with other countries to find a common solution to help in any way you can. These skills are not only important for delegates but important for us as the future leaders to understand what it means to be and become a diplomat. I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to attend the SRMUN conference this year. I not only learned new skills that will help me in the future but I got to meet new students who were great to collaborate with. SRMUN was truly a great experience that I will always cherish and be thankful for. I am also thankful for the great learning experiences that I was able to obtain during Model UN, that helped me prepare for the conference.

Last Day

Destine Hicks
SRMUN has been yet another amazing experience. This particular year was my second time being a part of this esteemed delegation. Columbia College had the great pleasure of representing the government of Egypt, which was very challenging but an awesome experience. If I had to sum up what the Model UN program means to me it would be this, Model UN is the program that takes certain traditions and customs that you were not used to and makes them things that you know have to become familiar with. This program makes you aware of global issue which are very necessary to be a part of discussion in this day in time. We also learn how to work as a team and build friendships with students from all across the United States.
If I had to describe my experience this year, it would simply be that this was overall the best one. I was extremely grateful to have held the title of being Head Delegate. Being on the Security Council this year was such an honor and also kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Having to deal with unexpected crisis and having to be prompt in our response/resolution was so intriguing. It taught you how to be “quick on your feet” to make logical and relevant statements concerning the situation at hand. Also, it gives teamwork a good name with the many collaborations that have to be made in order for things to be finalized.
Even though this will be my last year, I will forever take what I’ve learned during my time being involved in this program with me. Model UN definitely leaves you with some necessary key characteristics that can be used in your everyday interactions.

In Session

Many think it is all high powered negotiations while in session. That is the farthest from the truth. In fact. many hours of the day the delegates are discussing procedures and rules. Especially within the largest groups, things can quickly get out of control if rules and procedures are not taken to heart. The Chair has quite a job to do.


Caucusing is an integral part of diplomacy.  Many hours of the day is dedicated to Moderated Caucusing and Un Moderated Caucusing. The difference is:

Moderated: Speakers have one minute or less to speak about an issue/resolution etc while in session, number of speakers determined by amount of time given to the caucusing.

Non-Moderated: Delegates gather outside chambers for informal negotiations.

New Learning Experience

Jasmine Smith
Well the Model UN conference has come to an end I’m sad it’s over, I did not think I would have had as much fun as I did. It was a real learning experience for me I was able to voice my opinion and be heard even if it was something that everyone didn’t agree with we showed respect.

Thursday was when everything started I was so nervous because I did not know what to expect because I saw a microphone and a lot of people. However we had to represent Egypt so we just prepared for the ride. Then on Friday it was just a full day of cacusing and trying to get all of the working papers in so we can vote to determine the resolution papers..

And on the final day was a morning of debate, formal speeches, cacusing and trying to turned in all the final working papers. When we came back from lunch we voted for the resolution papers, which was my favorite part of the conference. But I am Happy to say my committee passed four resolution papers (yayyy!!!!)

So that was a success to know that I took part in something great. Overall this was a learning experience for me, I am more confident in my writing and public. And I want to thank everybody that was a part of making this trip possible.

Bitter Sweet

Alexandria Jones
SRMUN 2016 is over. It was a bitter sweet moment leaving the hotel yesterday, because I had the best time at my first conference. Everything about the experience excited me from the hotel to the caucusing to writing the papers. I can honestly say that this is an even that I will never forget. SRMUN has taught me many things while on this trip:
2- the other delegates are just like me; many have said that this was their first conference as well
3- sleep is prominent during those couple days at conference (and so is eating)
And 4- watching then acting upon will help you learn how the whole deal of Model UN goes.

Taking away my limited sleep and rushed meal times, SRMUN was slightly perfect. Watching and doing the way motions are passed made me feel like an actual delegate (I guess that was the point). Writing the papers in such suppress time made me feel like I had importance. And getting acquainted with other delegates of other Member States made me feel diplomatic.
SRMUN has only seen me once, but I would not hesitate to do another time. It was such a nice experience to have my lovely CC women accompany myself with our professor and advisor , Dr. Jones and Dr. Sharkey. I think that we can all come to the consensus that this conference was well worth the semester preparation and I personally wouldn’t have traded it for any other conference.